Benefits of Phaco-Emulsification Surgery for Cataract

Benefits of Phaco-Emulsification Surgery for Cataract

Phaco – Emulsification:

Phaco- emulsification is the technique by which cataract is broken into small pieces and removed from the eye using ultrasound with the help of a special phaco equipment. The actual cataract operation is carried out through a 2.2 to 2.8 mm incision with the help of a titanium needle vibrating at the rate of more than 40,000 times per second.

In the past, routine cataract operation was carried out through an incision which was 8 to 10 mm in length through which the first cataract was removed and then an intraocular lens implanted. In phaco- emulsification technique, cataract removal is done through 2.5 mm to 2.8 mm opening only for implantation of the foldable intraocular lens. This avoids the necessity for stitches to close the wound and reduce the amount of glasses required for distant vision.

Benefits of Phaco Surgery:

  • – No hospitalization –day care surgery.
  • – Smaller incision- hence lesser complications related to the incision size.
  • – Lesser induced astigmatism because of a smaller incision.
  • – No sutures needed.
  • – Less risk of infection due to the small wound which is self-sealing.
  • – No bandages minimal precautions.
  • – No restriction on normal activities. Can join work from the next morning.
  • – Fast recovery of good vision in a matter of days.
  • –  Final spectacles at one or two weeks.
  • – Early visual rehabilitation.

Your cataract surgeon can evaluate the health of your eyes and guide you about the best lenses to be implanted into your eyes at the time of cataract surgery. Dr. Ramesh Murthy is a renowned eye surgeon and one of the best cataract surgeons of Pune. He is considered among the best eye specialists in Pune. He is available at Axis Eye Clinic, Pune which is considered among the best eye clinics in Pune.

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