Benefits of Phaco-Emulsification Surgery for Cataract
Phaco – Emulsification: Phaco- emulsification is the technique by which cataract is broken into small pieces and removed from...
Twitching of the Lids – Does It Matter?
It is important to know that in most instances, a twitching eyelid, or eyelid spasm, is totally harmless. You...
Age Related Macular Degeneration
Anti-oxidants and age-related macular degeneration 1. What happens in age-related macular degeneration (AMD)? Age-related macular degeneration is a disease...
Age Related Eye Diseases
Age-related eye diseases 1. What are age-related eye diseases? The most common are age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataract....
Allergic Eye Disease
Allergy is a common problem in children and can be seen in the summer months and sometimes in the...
Lid Tumors
Know About Eye Lid Tumors Symptoms of eyelid tumors New growth or increase in growth of an existing lid...
Symfony Lenses
Enhancing visual outcomes with advanced intraocular lenses (IOLs) in cataract surgery While there is nothing wrong with a mono-focal...
Choosing the Right Intraocular Lens
Monofocal lens With this lens, one can see clearly but for a specific distance either near or distant. So...
Problems with Patching Treatment in Children
In lazy eye or amblyopia, we patch the good eye. The child is not able to see well from...