Children and Computer Use – Points to Remember
Millions of children work on the computer on a daily basis. While this may be a necessity in some...
Cataract Myths and Facts
Some facts and myths about cataractMyth: Cataract can be cured by medicines, eye exercise, yoga or special drops.Fact: Cataract...
How Can Squint Surgery Be Made Successful?
It is interesting to note that there is more to planning for squint surgery than the actual surgical operation....
Droopy eyelids and revisional ptosis surgery
Surgery may not be successful every time and occasionally the drooping of the upper lids may not be corrected...
Some Facts About Squint
1. Squint is not normal. Any abnormal eye movements or abnormal head position, neck movements or any abnormal position...
Are you a good candidate for multifocal lenses in the eye after cataract surgery?If you are very keen to...
How to Succeed with Patching Treatment
HOW TO SUCCEED WITH PATCHING TREATMENT It is important to encourage and persevere with both the glasses and the...
Amblyopia or ‘lazy eye’ is the most common visual disability in children after refractive errors the reduced vision occurs...
Benefits of Phaco-Emulsification Surgery for Cataract
Phaco – Emulsification: Phaco- emulsification is the technique by which cataract is broken into small pieces and removed from...