Toric Lenses for Correcting Astigmatism in Cataract Surgery

Most people undergoing cataract surgery would want clear vision but if you delve deeper and ask them, they want...

How Can One Differentiate Between Cataract and Glaucoma?

Cataracts and glaucoma are the commonest cause of vision loss. Both these can be age-related and are more common...

Which Is Worse Lazy Eye or Squint

I am sure this question has come to mind when we have a family member who has both a...

Which Is the Best Intraocular Lens (IOL) for Cataract Surgery?

This question has always been in my mind for the last two decades since I started doing cataract surgery....

Modern Technique of Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery was first performed in India by Sushruta in 600 BC. He performed a couching of the lens....

Intraocular Lens

An Intraocular lens ( IOL) is a lens implanted in the eye for the treatment of cataracts and myopia....

Colored Soft Contact Lenses for Cosmetic Improvement

Most of us have heard of colored contact lenses being used for changing the color of the eyes for...

Taking Care of Your Eyes During Summer

Summer is the time of vacations, but it can also bring about some problems for the eyes. To keep...

Artificial Tears for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can occur due to various reasons especially due to increased use of digital devices like computers and...


1. Myth: EYE REMOVAL SURGERY IS A MUST IN EVERY CASEFact:  Eye removal surgery is not needed in a maximum...

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